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Single-Metal-Ion-Based Molecular Building Block Approach to the Design and Synthesis of Metal-Organic Assemblies with Extra-Large Cavities
Mohamed Eddaoudi, university of South Florida
The objective of this proposal was to develop novel strategies for the design and synthesis of rigid porous materials with large and tunable cavities from single-metal-ion-based molecular building blocks (MBBs), where each hetero-coordinated single-metal ion (coordination 6-8), formed in situ, is rendered rigid and directional using ligands which permit the saturation of the metal ion coordination sphere via a hetero-chelating (proximal N-, CO2-) functionality that locks the metal into its position through formation of rigid five-membered rings. Utilization of 4,5-imidazoledicarboxylic acid for the syntheses of the first zeolite-like metal-organic frameworks (rho-ZMOF-1, sod-ZMOF-1, and usf-ZMOF-1) opened the door to the design and synthesis of other large-cavity MOFs with zeolite-like topologies. One method discussed in the proposal was the expansion of this approach to other ligands containing similar functional groups, but with different distances and/or sets of angles between the nitrogen groups (akin to T-O-T angle in inorganic zeolites), which typically direct the topology. Indeed, reaction between 4,6-pyrimidinedicarboxylic acid (4,6-H2PmDC) and In(NO3)3.2H2O (each selected for the aforementioned requirements) under solvothermal conditions yields pale yellow polyhedral crystals, referred to as sod-ZMOF-2 (Fig. 1), since it is the second in a series of MOFs with analogous topological features to the zeolite sodalite net. The as-synthesized compound has an anionic framework, hexagonal apertures of 0.7 nm and beta-cages of ~0.96 nm, and was characterized and formulated by SCD studies as: In(C6H2N2O4)2�K1.16Na0.25(NO3)0.41(H2O)3. Crystal data for sod-ZMOF-2, InC12H4N4O8: Cubic, Im-3m, a = 18.7609 �, V = 6603.2(9) �3. Figure 1. Single-crystal structure of sod-ZMOF-2: (A) 4,6-PmDC ligand, linked to In, forming the 8-coordinated MBB. (B) 8-coordinated MBB, which can be viewed as a 4-connected node (C). (D) The assembly of the 4-connected nodes results in the generation of beta cages (containing 24 In ions), which link together by shared 4- membered rings to form an anionic MOF with a zeolite SOD-like topology. The large beta cavity is illustrated as a yellow ball. To investigate the ion exchange capabilities and exploit porosity, the K+ was substituted with Na+ and Li+. Sorption experiments on the Li+-exchanged sample (full exchange confirmed by atomic absorption) determined the material exhibits permanent porosity, as indicated by the N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms (Fig. 2A). The microporosity is evidenced by the fully reversible type I isotherm with apparent estimated Langmuir surface area of 616 m2 g-1 and pore volume 0.2453 cm3 g-1, and the H2 storage potential was also studied (Fig. 2B). Reaction between another suitable ligand, 2-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid (2-HPmC) and Cd(NO3)2.4H2O under solvothermal conditions yield colorless polyhedral crystals, referred to as rho-ZMOF-2 (Fig. 3), having a neutral framework, octagonal apertures of 0.94 nm, and an extra-large α-cavity of 2.1 nm. The as-synthesized compound was characterized and formulated by SCD studies as: Cd48(C5H3N2O2)96�(H2O)192. Crystal data for rho-ZMOF-2, CdC10H6N4O4: Cubic, Im-3, a = 30.0847 �, V = 27229(17) �3. Sorption experiments on the as-synthesized rho-ZMOF-2 sample determined the material exhibits permanent porosity, as indicated by the N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms. This material also exhibits a fully reversible type I isotherm; apparent estimated Langmuir surface area of ~1300 m2 g-1, and the H2 storage potential was studied. In addition, other bridging ligands were targeted to contain the necessary functionalities, which can be employed in combination with MN4 or MN3 single-metal-ion-based MBBs to construct metal-organic assemblies having extra-large cavities. Starting with 1,3-di(4-pyridyl)benzene (289.7 mg, 1.25 mmol), 184.8 mg of 1,3-di(2-cyano-4-pyridyl)benzene (DCPB) was obtained (58% yield from the dioxide), which was converted to 1,3-di(2-carboxy-4-pyridyl)benzene (PBDC) (197.6 mg, 94% yield). Education Outreach: The researchers involved in this interdisciplinary research project are exposed to a variety of techniques and receive expansive training in each. In general they gain expertise in: i) Solid-state synthesis, organic and inorganic chemistries ii) Solvo/hydro thermal synthesis, iii) Characterization techniques (UV-NIR, gas chromatography, solid and solution NMR, IR, fluorescence, XRPD, single-crystal x-ray diffraction (data collection, structure determination and analysis), TGA. iv) Sorption techniques (to characterize porous materials) v) Molecular graphics vi) Presentation and authorship skills.

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