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ACS Symposium Honoring 2007 Somorjai Award Winner Hans Joachim Freund at the ACS National Meeting, March 2007, Chicago, IL

Peter C. Stair, Northwestern University

This grant provided travel support for foreign invited speakers to attend a symposium honoring Prof. Hans Joachim Freund as the 2007 Somorjai Award Winner to be held at the 233rd National Meeting of the ACS in Chicago. The scientific topic of the symposium was understanding heterogeneous catalysis at the molecular level using model catalytic systems. Prof. Freund is a major contributor to this field and has made contributions in a number of areas including the development of novel thin oxide films (to replicate catalytic supports), nucleation and growth of metal nanoparticles, and CO oxidation over model gold and palladium catalysts. The symposium a particularly exciting event as it was connected to a joint plenary symposium honoring not only Prof. Freund, but also Charles Campbell as the Adamson award winner, Bruce Koel as the Olah award winner and John Yates Jr. as the Debye award winner. Many foreign guests attended this historic event for the surface science community. Altogether, four 1/2-day sessions were attended by up to 100 people to honor Prof. Freund and the other awardees.

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