Measuring the rates of rapid outer-sphere electron
transfer (ET) reactions is of special interest because these mechanistically
simple processes are used to check the ET theory.1�� We investigated
the kinetics of several fast heterogeneous electron transfer reactions by
steady-state voltammetry at nanoelectrodes and scanning electrochemical
microscopy (SECM) and addressed an intriguing question about possible
differences between ET dynamics observed at macroscopic and nanometer-sized
interfaces.2� The polished Pt electrodes (≥10 nm-radius) were
prepared and used as tips for SECM experiments, so that a number of current vs.
distance curves and voltammograms were obtained at the same tip without
damaging it.� This allowed us to characterize the tip geometry and then use it
to obtain an extensive set of experimental data.� In this way, nanoelectrochemical
measurements of ET kinetics were made with reproducibility similar to that
reported previously for micrometer-sized electrodes.� The SECM current vs.
distance curves showed high feedback response indicating that the prepared tips
were flat on the nanometer scale and not recessed.� The steady-state
voltammograms and approach curves obtained were in agreement with conventional
electrochemical theory at all values of the tip radius (a) and tip/substrate
separation distance (d).
The kinetic parameters (i.e., the standard rate
constant, k�, and the transfer coefficient, α) obtained for
four rapid heterogeneous ET reactions were reproducible within ~10% error
margin.� The mass transfer rate was changed by more than two orders of
magnitude by varying both the tip radius and the tip/substrate separation
distance, and the measured k� and α values were essentially
independent of both a and d.� For four fast ET reactions (the
oxidation of ferrocenemethanol in water and ferrocene in acetonitrile, and the
reduction of TCNQ in acetonitrile) the standard rate constants measured at
nanoelectrodes were similar to or slightly higher than the values obtained
previously at larger electrodes.� The standard rate constant of Ru(NH3)63+
reduction in KCl is very fast (17.0 � 0.9 cm/s) and hard to measure by
other electrochemical techniques.� The magnitude of the Frumkin correction for
a triple charged cation, Ru(NH3)63+ �is hard
to evaluate quantitatively, and it was also suggested that k� of Ru(NH3)63+
reduction increases significantly in the presence of chloride
ions.� These factors and the essential adiabaticity of this reaction3
should be responsible for the unusually high k�.
Overall, there is no major difference between ET rate
measured at nanoelectrodes and at larger interfaces.� At the same time, the
upper limit for the rate constant measurable at nanoelectrodes under
steady-state conditions is as high as ~200 cm/s.
We also prepared slightly recessed nanoelectrodes by
controlled etching of flat Pt electrodes discussed above.4� Using
high-frequency (e.g., 2 MHz) ac voltage, the layer of Pt as thin as ≥3 nm
was removed to produce a cylindrical cavity inside the insulating glass
sheath.� The etched electrodes were characterized by combination of voltammetry
and SECM to determine the radius and the effective depth of the recess (l).�
Diffusion limiting currents to such electrodes and SECM approach curves were
simulated and the simulation results were generalized in the form of analytical
approximations.� Although the conductive surface recessed inside glass nanocavity
could not be polished and is likely to be rough after etching, the prepared
probes exhibited stable and reproducible electrochemical behavior.� Excellent
fit between theoretical and experimental approach curves confirmed the validity
of the tip shape parameters (a and l) obtained from voltammetry.�
The recessed probes are suitable for experiments in both
aqueous and non-aqueous solutions including low-polarity solvents like
1,2-dichloroethane. Potential applications include
fabrication of nanometer-sized biosensors, experiments with individual
molecules in ultra-small volumes, and thin-layer electrochemical studies of
charge-transfer reactions at the liquid/liquid interface.� The recessed
electrodes can be employed as SECM tips for high resolution imaging, feedback
mode and generation/collection experiments.
The PRF support enabled us to start this new project.�
A graduate student and a postdoctoral fellow supported part-time by this grant
learned a great deal about nanoelectrochemistry and created valuable tools,
which are essential for the success of other projects underway in our
R. A.; Sutin, N. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1985, 811, 265.
P.; Mirkin, M. V. Anal. Chem. 2006, 78, 6526.
T. W. Chem. Rev. 2005, 105, 2573.
P.; Mirkin, M. V. Anal. Chem. 2007, 79, 5809.
P.; Laforge, F. O.; Abeyweera, T. P.; Rotenberg, S. A.; Carpino, J.; Mirkin, M.
V. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, submitted.