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Non-Steady-State Kinetic Studies of Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions at Saturated Carbon in Solution
Yun Lu, Southern Illinois University (Edwardsville)
The aim of the grant
proposal was to subject a number of SN2 reactions to Non-Steady-State
Kinetic (NSSK) studies for the purpose determining whether or not the data are
compatible with the 1-step mechanism (eq. 1) and if not, to attempt to
establish the generality of the 2-step mechanism (eq. 2) for these reactions.

The systems that the
P.I.'s group, in collaboration with the Parker's group, has subjected to NSSK
study during the first year of the project involve the SN2 reactions
of the nucleophile p-nitrophenoxide ion (PNPO) with various substrates
including p-nitrobenzyl bromide (PNBB), methyl p-nitrobenzenesulfonate (MPNBS)
and methyl p-toluenesulfonate (MPMBS). Results show that these SN2
systems do not follow the one-step processes (1) and they most likely proceed
by a 2-step mechanism accompanied with a kinetically significant intermediate
prior to the traditionally-thought concerted SN2 mechanistic step

The NSSK study of the systems was
carried out by means of UV-Vis spectroscopy method together with the contemporary digital processing
technology and the computational simulation approach. 1, 2 The
kinetic method was initiated by Parker and co-workers. The kinetic data were
collected by following the decay of the nucleophile over a wavelength range
from 400nm-500nm. The extent of reaction vs. time profiles (E.R. - t) of the
reactions deviate from those expected for the simple 1-step mechanism,
indicating that the reactions do not follow the simple mechanism (1). In
addition to the use of the E.R. – t profiles as mechanistic probes, time ratios
(t0.5/t0.05) and rate constant ratios (kinit/ks.s)
were also determined and found to deviate from
those of the simple mechanism. The fit of the experimental results to the
2-step mechanism suggest that these reactions follow the complex 2-step
mechanism (2).
The results were also subjected to the
instantaneous rate constant (kinst) analysis method developed very
recently by Parker. 3 The kinst was found to change with
reaction time until when the reaction reaches steady-state. This analysis as
well as the conventional pseudo first-order kinetic analysis over the systems
studied clearly show the kinetic behavior expected for the 2-step SN2
While the research was expanded to the other
systems proposed in the proposal, we have been striving to obtain the
structural information of the intermediates suggested. Methods such as the
UV-Vis and NMR spectroscopy have been applied. For example, the instantaneous
rate constant analysis based on the absorbance data collected showed that the
intermediate absorbs over the similar wavelength range as does the nucleophile,
implicating that it would be a molecular complex between the two reactants. We
propose that the intermediate would be an ion-dipole complex in which the
nucleophilic oxygen of the phenoxide ion interacts with the electrophilic
carbon center of the substrates. Further evidence is being gathered to provide
insights into the detailed structure of the intermediates.
Our work suggests that the NSSK method can be
applied to provide mechanistic details for other SN2 reactions. The
results obtained in this research project will greatly enhance the depth of
understanding of the relevant organic and biological reactions and eventually
contribute to the pedagogy of the basic organic chemistry.
Undergraduate and graduate students involved in
this project have learned kinetic procedures, basic organic synthesis,
mechanistic analysis techniques and the use of modern analytical
instrumentation. Since this project involves computational simulation, students
have been trained in using computer programs as well. We believe that the
mastering of the knowledge and the techniques involved in this project will
make students more competitive in their future careers.
- Handoo, K. L.; Lu, Y.; Parker, V. D. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 9381.
- Lu, Y.; Handoo, K. L.; Parker, V. D. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2003, 1, 36.
- Parker, V.D. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2006, 19, 714.
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