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Investigation of Structure and Dynamics in Novel Nanocomposite Membranes
Douglass S. Kalika, University of Kentucky
The formulation of polymeric nanocomposites via
the inclusion of nanoscale filler particles often leads to dramatic
improvements in material performance.� The introduction of inorganic nanoparticles
creates vast amounts of particle-polymer surface area and particle-polymer
interactions, as well as physical confinement effects, can produce substantial
changes in the character of the polymer matrix that correlate with the
resulting composite properties.� By controlling particle dispersion and the
nature of polymer-particle interactions, it is possible to tailor materials to
achieve enhanced macroscopic performance for a variety of applications.� In
this project, we seek to exploit recent discoveries revealing that the
inclusion of nanoscale particles results in marked improvement in the
performance of rubbery gas separation membranes, as manifested by significantly
increased permeability.� Working with Prof. Benny Freeman at the University of Texas at Austin, we have undertaken a fundamental study to identify the chemical
and physical factors that govern nanocomposite morphology in model rubbery and
glassy membrane systems and their relation to gas transport properties.� Of
particular interest is the influence of particle-polymer interactions and local
confinement effects on the dynamics of the polymer matrix, and the potential
correlation of polymer relaxation behavior with the resultant permeability and
selectivity of the composite membrane.
Initial activities have focused on the preparation
and characterization of two model nanocomposite membrane systems based on
rubbery and glassy polymers, respectively.� Rubbery nanocomposite networks were
prepared by UV photopolymerization of poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate [PEGDA]
in the presence of varying loadings of MgO nanoparticles (nominal particle size
of 3 nm).� Polymer networks based on crosslinked PEO have been shown to be
effective for the removal of carbon dioxide from light gas mixtures, and we
have previously undertaken an extensive study of the dynamics and gas transport
properties of these (unfilled) materials as a function of network composition
and architecture.� For the nanocomposites, the liquid pre-polymerization
mixture was prepared by conventional mixing methods, as well as by planetary
mixing.� At higher loadings, particle dispersion was enhanced by the
introduction of toluene in selected cases, and the influence of the diluent on
the characteristics of the crosslinked network and resulting composites was
assessed.� Dynamic mechanical and dielectric studies performed on the PEGDA/MgO
nanocomposites revealed the emergence of a second, distinct glass-rubber
relaxation event displaced ~ 40�C above Tg of the native network, suggesting
the presence of a sub-population of constrained chain segments impeded by their
proximity to the nanoparticle surface.� A similar behavior was observed for
model glassy nanocomposites prepared via the solution casting of mixtures based
on polyetherimide [PEI] and silica nanoparticles.� In the latter case, modified
silica particles with varying surface characteristics were introduced, and the
emergence of a second Tg at elevated temperature was correlated with the nature
of the polymer-particle interaction.� Full characterization of the observed
dual Tg behavior, and its relation to nanocomposite morphology, is ongoing.
A key consideration for the interpretation of
both the thermomechanical and transport behavior of these materials is the
quality of the nanoparticle dispersion.� Bulk density measurements on the
PEGDA/MgO nanocomposites have indicated density values at higher MgO loadings
that are well below those anticipated based on simple volume additivity. �Comparable
trends have been observed for MgO-filled nanocomposites based on
1,2-polybutadiene, as reported by Freeman et al.� The negative deviation in
bulk density implies that a significant amount of void volume fraction or
enhanced free volume is incorporated into the nanocomposites; in the case of
PEGDA/MgO, the degree of void incorporation is a function of the
pre-polymerization mixing details.� Preliminary PALS measurements on the
PEGDA/MgO material (performed by Dr. Anita Hill at CSIRO, Australia) suggest that the sizescale associated with the incorporated void volume exceeds the
resolution limit of the PALS technique (i.e., > 5 nm diameter).� X-ray phase
contrast ultramicroscopy studies, also performed at CSIRO, confirmed the
presence of a sizeable void fraction, and the dimensions and distribution of
the voids presumably have significant ramifications for the observed transport
properties.� Activities in the next phase of the project will include detailed
evaluation of the morphology obtained in the nanocomposites, as well as a
comprehensive study of gas transport.�
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