46959-SE |
ACS Symposium Honoring 2007 Somorjai Award Winner Hans Joachim Freund at the ACS National Meeting, March 2007, Chicago, IL |
42156-G1 |
Catalytic Enantioselective Disilylations of Electron Deficient Alkenes Promoted by Lewis Bases |
44645-AC7 |
Charge Heterogeneities in Cationic-Anionic Co-Assemblies |
42953-AC5 |
Dynamic Electrostatic Self-Assembly of Nanoparticle Superlattices |
43082-AEF |
Elucidating Structural Dynamics Coupled to Wire-Like Charge Transport in Donor-Bridge-Acceptor Molecules Using Time-Resolved Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy |
43145-AC9 |
Molecular Simulation of Liquid-Phase Adsorption of Chain Molecules in Zeolites |
42588-AC8 |
Origin and Character of Organic Carbon Rich Chalky Facies (Source Rocks) and the Niobrara Unconventional Gas Play |
42119-G10 |
Synthetic Approach to Magnetic Semiconductor Nanostructures |