Reports: AC848349-AC8: Investigating the Mechanics of V-shaped Conjugate Strike-slip Systems and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration

An Yin , University of California

This grant was used to support the proposed research in determining the mechanical origin of V-shaped conjugate strike-slip faults in continental collision orogens. The research site was in central Tibet, where the PI conducted detailed structural mapping and sample collection for paleomagnetic determination of vertical-axis rotation of fault-bounding blocks. In addition, the grant was also used to support the set-up of a series of analogue model apparatus, from simple sandbox experiments to automated experiments that account for three competing velocity boundaries on the sides and the base of a simulated continental lithosphere under indentation. The field observations and the results of analogue experiments were conceptualized into a pair-shear-zone model to account for the initiation of V-shaped conjugate faults in central Tibet.
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