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ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, June 2006, Boulder, CO

Daniel K. Schwartz, University of Colorado (Boulder)


The 80th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium was held on the campus of the University of Colorado at Boulder, from June 18-21, 2006. Dave Marr (Colorado School of Mines) and Dan Schwartz (CU-Boulder) co-chaired the meeting.

Symposia and Organizers

The technical program consisted of 13 technical symposia and a general poster session. The oral sessions were held in various lecture halls in the Engineering Center and the Benson Earth Sciences building. The poster session was held in the Discovery Learning Center. In addition to many of the topics traditionally associated with the Colloid Symposium, symposia on Monolayers and Thin Films, Microfluidics, and Granular Materials were also included. The biannual Nucleation Symposium coincided with this year's meeting, and was included as a technical symposium. With the exception of Granular Materials, and Surface Science & Catalysis, all the symposia were well-supported by attendees.

A total of 446 papers were presented at the meeting: 351 oral (including five plenary and award lectures) and 95 posters. The breakdown by topic was as follows:

Biointerfaces and Biocolloids (34 presentations), Biomedical Applications of Colloids & Thin Films (28 presentations), Colloidal Nanoscience and Technology (38 presentations), Colloidal Stability and Control (32 presentations), General Papers in Colloid and Interface Science (42 presentations), Interfacial Phenomena in the Environmen (27 presentations), Microfluidics (24 presentations), Monolayers and Thin Films (46 presentations), Non-Equilibrium and Granular Phenomena (14 presentations), Nucleation Symposium (71 presentations), Rheology and Dynamics of Complex Fluids (28 presentations), Self-Assembling Systems (44 presentations), Surface Science and Catalysis (13 presentations).

Plenary and Award Lectures

Three plenary lectures and two award lectures were presented as part of the meeting. All were held in the Mathematics building, in a lecture hall that holds approximately 450 people.


1. Prof. Daan Frenkel, FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, �Homogeneous Nucleation in Colloids: Dream or Nightmare�

2. Prof. Sidney R. Nagel, University of Chicago, �Jamming and the Low Temperature Properties of Glasses�

3. Prof. Virgil Percec, University of Pennsylvania. �Self-Assembly of Giant Functional Materials: Supramolecular or Colloidal Systems?�

Award Lectures:

Unilever Award Lecture, Prof. Bartosz A. Grzybowski, Northwestern University, �Unique Properties of Matter at the Nanoscale and the Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Materials�

Victor K LaMer Award Lecture, Prof. Jwa-Min Nam, Seoul National University, �Functional Nanostructure-Based Biodiagnostics�

Other Events

In addition to the technical sessions, a number of social events were held. Coffee breaks were offered, each morning and afternoon, in both the Engineering Center and the Benson Earth Sciences Building. A Welcoming Reception was held Sunday evening in the Engineering Center Lobby and the adjoining outdoors courtyard. A second reception was held in the Discovery Learning Center courtyard on Monday evening, in conjunction with the poster session. Finally, the Symposium Banquet was held in the Stadium Club on Tuesday evening.

Pre-conference Publicity

A new URL,, was acquired and used for this meeting. Other advertising efforts included the assembly of a 3500-name email list from a combination of previous conferences and the colloid division mailing list.

Registration and Attendance

There were a total of 462 registrants, including 199 students.

Supported Participants

The foreign speakers supported by ACS-PRF funding included :

Prof. Daan Frenkel, FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics

Prof. Frank Caruso, Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Melborne, Melborne, Australia

Prof. Stephen Hyde: Department of Applied Mathematics, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

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