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Annual Report 2014


Financial Summary

Financial Summary for 2014. Statement of Financial Position.
($ in Thousands)
Statement of Financial Position 2014 2013
Statement of Financial Position  ACS
Research Fund
2014 Total 2013 Total
Cash and Cash Equivalents $40,371 $14,493 $54,864 $37,669
Accounts and Pledges Receivable 116,753 - 116,753 106,361
Investments 504,603 537,690 1,042,293 1,015,604
Buildings, Land, and Other Property 106,134 12 106,146 107,582
Interfund (Payable) Receivable (16,628) 16,628 - -
Other 24,130 32 24,162 24,243
Total Assets $775,363 $568,855 $1,344,218 $1,291,459
Financial Summary for 2014. Statement of Financial Position.
Statement of Financial Position 2014 ACS Programs 2014 Petroleum Research Fund 2014 Total 2013 Total
Accrued Expenses and Accounts Payable $69,204 $13,873 $83,077 $79,600
Deferred Revenues  187,101 - 187,101 168,134
Short and Long-Term Debt 853 - 853 1,660
Postretirement Benefits and Other 221,340 4,408 225,748 146,201
Total Liabilities 478,498 18,281 496,779 395,595
Financial Summary for 2014. Statement of Financial Position.
Statement of Financial Position 2014 ACS Programs 2014 Petroleum Research Fund 2014 Total 2013 Total
NET ASSETS        
Unrestricted 190,103 - 190,103 250,730
Temporarily Restricted 30,574 478,074 508,648 499,203
Permanently Restricted 76,188 72,500 148,688 145,931
Total Net Assets 296,865 550,574 847,439 895,864
Total Liabilities and Net Assets  $775,363 $568,855 $1,344,218 $1,291,459
Financial Summary for 2014. Statement of Activities.
Statement of Activities 2014 2013
Statement of Activities ACS
Research Fund
2014 Total 2013 Total
Electronic Services $436,084 - $436,084 $429,988
Member Insurance Premiums, Refunds, and Fees 13,805 - 13,805 15,310
Dues 12,102 - 12,102 11,958
Registration Fees and Booth Sales 10,744 - 10,744 9,745
Investment Income 9,460 75 9,535 6,684
Advertising 8,073 - 8,073 7,947
Printed Services 4,740 - 4,740 6,651
Net Assets Released from Restriction 5,180 23,933 29,113 27,695
Other  6,520 - 6,520 6,660
Total Unrestricted Revenues 506,708 24,008 530,716 522,638
Financial Summary for 2014. Statement of Activities.
Statement of Activities 2014 ACS Programs 2014 Petroleum Research Fund 2014 Total 2013 Total
Information Services 376,136 - 376,136 372,589
Member Programs and Services 43,261 - 43,261 42,587
Member Insurance Program 15,517 - 15,517 15,300
Grants and Awards 2,551 22,445 24,996 23,433
Administrative 43,343 1,563 44,906 43,653
Other 7,754 - 7,754 8,195
Total Expenses 488,562 24,008 512,570 505,757
Financial Summary for 2014. Statement of Activities.
Statement of Activities 2014 ACS Programs 2014 Petroleum Research Fund 2014 Total 2013 Total
Net Contribution 18,146 - 18,146 16,881
Net Investment Gains 15,428 - 15,428 34,107
Change in Pension Funding Status (94,201) - (94,201) 60,946
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets (60,627) - (60,627) 111,934
Contributions 4,139 - 4,139 3,499
Investment Income and Net Investment Gains / (Losses) 5,941 31,235 37,176 82,304
Net Assets Released From Restriction  (5,180) (23,933) (29,113) (27,695)
Change in Restricted Net Assets 4,900 7,302 12,202 58,108
Change in Total Net Assets  (55,727) 7,302 (48,425) 170,042
Beginning Total Net Assets 352,592 543,272 895,864 725,822
Ending Total Net Assets $296,865 $550,574 $847,439 $895,864