John H. Shaw , Harvard University
The goal of geologic restorations is to remove slip on faults and unfold sedimentary strata in a manner that obeys balancing constraints. Traditionally, these restorations have been performed using geometric approaches that are inherently two-dimensional, and do not consider rock strengths. In contrast, the geomechanical restoration techniques that we employ are capable of performing fully three-dimensional restorations that are governed by rock properties. The methods employ elastic constitutive laws that are simple approximations of the naturally complex deformation processes in geologic structures. Thus, we benchmarked these new methods by restoring a series of mechanical forward models developed with the discrete element method (DEM). These DEM models generate complex structures similar to natural systems, yet we know the full displacement, strain, and stress fields for these mechanical models. Applying the restoration methods to these forward models gave us an ability to assess quantitatively how well the restoration technique performs in describing complex deformations under specific sets of boundary conditions. Our results indicate that the geomechanical restoration approaches are capable of recovering three-dimensional displacement fields for faulted and folded structures (Figure 1). In particular, these restorations perform best in cases where fault geometries and displacements governed displacement fields. Restoration strains were also shown to closely approximate strain patterns in the forward models. The restoration generally defined the regions of high strains and their average magnitudes for a wide range of structural models. This gives us confidence that the geomechanical restoration approaches, despite their inherent limitations, can be applied successfully to restore structures in three dimensions and to map the distribution strains within them.
The second phase of our efforts focused on applying these restoration techniques to natural petroleum traps, and on comparing strain patterns derived from the restoration with geophysical attributes and geologic observations that help to constrain reservoir properties such as fracture density. In these efforts, we have collaborated with a number of industry sponsors, and our project areas include fields in California, China, the Caspian Sea, and the Arabian Peninsula.