Reports by University of Massachusetts (Amherst)
- 47503-G5 Biofuel Production by Aqueous-Phase Hydrogenation: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach to Developing Improved Catalysts
- 46569-AC6 Developing Inverse Density Functional Theory as an Analytical Tool for Diffusing Colloidal Probe Microscopy
- 45967-AC9 Modeling the Phase Behavior of Gas Hydrate Forming Systems
- 48462-AC8 Oligocene-Miocene Eustatic Record of the Northeastern Margin: Linking the Timing and Magnitude of Sea-Level Changes with the Stratigraphic Response and Paleoceanography of the Subtropical Pacific
- 47043-AC10 Side Chains with Incompatible Packing: A Strategy to Assemble Organic Semiconductors