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Reports: GB1

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Electrochemical Reduction of Cinnamyl Bromide in the Absence and Presence of Nitric Oxide at Carbon Cathodes in Acetonitrile

Chang Ji, Texas State University - San Marcos

A simple route with mild experimental conditions, as shown below, has been used to synthesize thionitrites (RSNO) by using electrogenerated cobalt(I) salen as the mediator.

However, due to the presence of residual amount of water in acetonitrile (ACN), which was used as the solvent for the electrolyses, the thionitrites quickly underwent hydrolysis1 and decomposed. Consequently, the pure products were not obtained. Alternative methods are being explored to minimize the amount of water in the solvent as well as the corresponding reaction with thionitrites.

On the other hand, the electrochemical behavior of cinnamyl bromide has been studied. The direct reduction of cinnamyl bromide at carbon cathodes in ACN gives either carbanions or radical intermediates, depending upon the selected potential. Table 1 shows the coulometric data and product distributions for the reduction of 10 mM cinnamyl bromide at carbon cathodes in ACN containing 0.050 M tetramethylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TMABF4) at �1.85 V or �1.35 V (vs. SCE). In the absence of proton donors (diethyl malonate, DEM), similar n values and product distributions are observed for both reduction potentials. With the addition of 200 mM DEM, the product distribution changes significantly when the substrate is reduced at �1.85 V. The product yield of beta-methylstyrene increases and that of dimer greatly decreases. Additionally, the diethyl ester of cinnamyl malonate, which is the trap adduct formed by the reaction between the substrate and DEM, is found in the yield of 36%. In contrast, at the reduction potential of �1.35 V, the yield of dimer remains about the same and only a small amount of the trap adduct is generated when DEM is added. These experimental results are very similar to the electrochemical reduction of benzyl iodide, indicating that carbanions are produced at �1.85 V and mostly radicals are formed at �1.35 V.2

Table 1. Coulometric data and product distributions for controlled-potential electrolyses of 10 mM cinnamyl bromide at reticulated vitreous carbon electrodes in ACN containing 0.050 M TMABF4

Reduction potential / V

Added agent


Product distribution / %a


















200 mM DEM















200 mM DEM








a 1 = allylbenzene; 2 = beta-methylstyrene (cis:trans = 2:98); 3 = dimer (alpha-alpha, alpha-gamma, gamma-gamma coupling in the ratio of 52:39:9); 4 = 5-phenyl-4-pentenenitrile; 5 = cinnamyl ether; 6 = cinnamyl alcohol; 7 = diethyl ester of cinnamyl malonate.

b Each entry represents the average of at least three separate experiments.

When cinnamyl bromide is reduced at �1.35 V in the presence of nitric oxide (NO), the electrogenerated cinnamyl radicals can efficiently couple with NO to give cinnamaldehyde oxime, cinnamonitrile, isoxazoline, isoxazole along with small amounts of allylbenzene, beta-methylstyrene, cinnamaldehyde, and benzonitrile. There is no dimer observed and the proposed mechanism is shown in Scheme 1. The heterocyclic products have diverse biological activities including antifungal, antiviral, and anticancer properties, which make this electrochemical process very appealing. Quantitation of the products is being carried out and other allyl halides will be examined for this reaction.

Scheme 13

Three undergraduates and one graduate student participated in the research during the past year. They have obtained extensive experience in various electrochemical techniques, organic synthesis, and spectroscopic analysis. They have also learned how to use internal standard method to quantitate electrolysis products by using GC or GC�MS. The research is inspiring for the students to get more involved in chemistry studies. Two students received B.S. degrees in the past year and one of them were admitted to graduate school (Drew C. Brown � M.S. program at Texas State University). The grant has also partially supported two related side projects which resulted in one paper in press and another submitted.

The PRF grant continues to help the principal investigator to gain experience in undergraduate mentoring and maintain a productive research program at the early stage of his career. It is expected that the research data collected during the past year will enable the PI to submit several proposals to NSF, including one for the CAREER award. There is no doubt that the PRF fund has made it possible for the PI to initiate his research and put it on track in the academia.


1.      Roy, B.; d'Hardemare, A. du M.; Fontecave, M. J. Org. Chem. 1994, 59, 7019.

2.      Koch, D. A.; Henne, B. J.; Bartak, D. E. J. Electrochem. Soc. 1987, 134, 3062.

3.      Desai, V. G.; Tilve, S. G. Synth. Commun. 1999, 29, 3017.

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