Reports: SE

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NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers, at the ACS National Meeting, Aprl 6-10, 2008, New Orleans, LA

Alan D. English, ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc.

A five-day symposium entitled �NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers� consisting of nine oral sessions (with fifty speakers) and a poster session was held as part of the American Chemical Society Division of Polymer Chemistry's technical program at the Spring, 2008, National ACS Meeting in New Orleans. The symposium was sponsored by the Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc. The objective of the symposium was to bring together the leading scientists from around the world to exchange thoughts and make presentations of their recent work in the utilization of NMR spectroscopy to characterize both synthetic and naturally occurring polymers. The meeting had an attendance of approximately 150. More than ample time was allocated for discussions and this lead to extended discussions during the poster session (10 posters).

Foreign speakers played a prominent role in the symposium. The symposium was widely advertised around the world. The meeting had no restrictions on attendance. A number of the foreign speakers used this trip as part of a seminar tour at U.S. universities.

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