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Chirality and Enantioselectivity at Surfaces, at the ACS National Meeting, September 2006, San Francisco, CA

Andrew Gellman, Carnegie Mellon University

A symposium consisting of three sessions was held at the Fall 2006 ACS National Meeting in San Francisco. The topic was chirality and enantioselectivity at surfaces. This is a topic of growing interest in the field of surface chemistry and catalysis because of the potential for significant impact of chiral heterogeneous catalysts in the production of enantiomerically pure chiral pharmaceuticals. It is also of significant interest from a purely scientific perspective because enantioselectivity is perhaps the most subtle form of selectivity in chemical processes.

The sessions included ~25 oral presentations and included contributions from most of the groups active in the field worldwide. The invited speakers included: Professor Richard Lambert (Cambridge University), Dr. Chris Baddeley (University of St. Andrews), Dr. Karle-Heinz Ernst (EMPA, Switzerland), Professor Bjork Hammer (University of Aarhus), Professor Peter McBreen (Universit� Laval), Professor Jay Switzer (University of Missouri-Rolla), Professor Dilip Kondepudi (Wake Forest University), and Professor Eddy Tysoe (Univ. of Wisconsin� Milwaukee).

The topics covered in the presentations included enantioselective heterogeneous catalysis, enantioselectivity on naturally chiral metal surfaces, chiral organic monolayers on surfaces, growth of chiral materials, structure of chiral surfaces and a variety of other aspects of chiral surfaces and enantioselective surface chemistry. In addition to attracting senior researchers the sessions attracted a number of students working in the field of surface chemistry and catalysis.

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