Reports: SE

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8th International Symposium on Carbanion Chemistry (ISCC8), June 2007, Madison, WI

Hans J. Reich, University of Wisconsin (Madison)

This Type SE grant was used to help cover the travel and lodging costs of four speakers at the 8th International Symposium on Carbanion Chemistry (ISCC8) held at the University of Wisconsin in Madison on June 6-10, 2008. The four grant-supported speakers were Professor Hans-Joachim Gais (Aachen University, �Asymmetric Synthesis Based on Alpha-Sulfonimidoyl Carbanions�), Professor Shu Kobayashi (University of Tokyo, � New Dimension in Lewis Acid and Br�nsted Base Catalysis�), Professor Carmen Najera (University of Alicante, �Palladium-Catalyzed C-C Bond Forming Reactions in Aqueous Media�), and Professor Masakatsu Hiibasaki (University of Tokyo, �New Carbon-Carbon Bond-Forming Reactions through Asymmetric Two-Center Catalysis�). The symposium organizers greatly appreciate the support received from the American Chemical Society's Petroleum Research Fund. The additional funding helped the symposium finish on budget.

The symposium was well attended and was a great success. The conference attracted over 140 participants from 18 different countries. Conference attendees heard 9 plenary lectures, 13 invited lectures, and 13 oral presentations. There were also 45 poster presentations, some of which were presented by graduate students and post-docs. The diverse selection of lectures and poster presentations stimulated some very interesting and helpful discussions.

The lectures were held in the Department of Chemistry's Seminar Hall. This proved to be convenient and allowed the symposium attendees to interact with UW graduate students and faculty. Attendees were also encouraged to tour the chemistry department facilities.

Feedback from symposium attendees was very positive and there seemed to be great excitement for the next symposium to be held in Florence, Italy in the summer of 2010.

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