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Self-Assembly of Metallic Nanoparticles Mediated by Metal-Organic and Metal-Organometallic Coordination Networks
Dwight A. Sweigart, Brown University
Orgaometallic pi-complexes such as [(h6-2,5-didodecoxy-1,4-semiquinone)Mn(CO)3] assemble on HOPG surfaces by forming a strongly hydrogen-bonded quinonoid framework to form ridges that are connected by overlapping hydrophobic arms of the didocoxy groups.� (Fig. 1). These robust 2D systems involve metal-ligand coordination, hydrogenation bonding and hydrophobic interdigitation.� Self assembly of this sort is unique and my have catalytic applications in view of the facile protonation/deprotonation of the quinonoid moiety.� Calculations support the expectation that the semiquinone ring is attracted to the HOPG, with the carbonyl ligands projecting up away from the surface.�
Magnetic nanoparticles can be surface modified with Organometallic quinonoid complexes of Mn, Rh, and Ru.� Scheme 1 shows the behavior with FePt NPs, with similar behavior obtaining with Fe3O4 NPs.� Once the quinonoid organometallics are anchored on the nanoparticle surfaces, the addition of suitable reagents leads to crystalline Metal Organic Framework material.� This results in stable MOF materials that incorporate minute quantities of superparamagnetic nanoparticle.� This allows for magnetic separation after the materials are sy6nthesized and possible utilized in catalysis.�
Figure 2 shows the new materials attracted to a permanent magnet.� The magnetization curves demonstrate that the percentage of metallic NP is low, but high enough to allow magnetic decantation.� Exciting uses of materials such as these, especially ones containing the active transition metals Rh and Ru appear feasible (se references), such as carbon �carbon coupling and ring opening reactions.

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