Reports: SE

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Single-molecule imaging, spectroscopy, and manipulation of biomolecular systems, at the 234th ACS National Meeting, August 2007, Boston, MA

Haw Yang, University of California (Berkeley)

Funding has been granted by the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Type-SE to support a Symposium entitled, �Biophysical Chemistry and Novel Imaging of Single Molecules and Single Cells,� at the 228th National Meeting (Aug. 22�26, 2007), Boston, MA. Many new methods, techniques, and applications were presented in the Symposium. With an emphasis on applications to biological macromolecules and molecular processes inside cells, the implications from this meeting are expected to have a positive impact on our thinking in addressing the problem of renewable energy source for petroleum substitute with sustainable solutions.

A full five-day event, this Symposium has attracted experts and interested scientists around the world to Boston and has been a huge success. The conference room which can house 150+ seats was often packed with chemists listening to the 60 oral presentations, including invited and contributed talks. Among them, there were 4 Internal Speakers that have received a total of USD$2,400 ($600 each) from the Petroleum Research Fund to partially reimburse their travel burden. They include Stephen Hell who is the world-leading figure in ultra high-resolution non-linear optical imaging, Michel Orrit who is the first to demonstrate detection of single fluorescent molecules that has opened up the entire single-molecule field, Wolfgang Baumeister who runs electron microscopy group for molecular imaging that is arguably the best in the world, and David Lilley who is one of the first RNA biochemists that have adopted single-molecule technology to look at problems that cannot be solved otherwise. Together, these luminary scientists really added to the success of the Symposium. The support of the Petroleum Research Fund has played a key role in making all these possible.

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