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Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Characterization of Tryptophan Radicals and Their Role in Electron Transfer in DNA Photolyase
Johannes Schelvis, New York University
In the past budget
year, the research that has been supported by the ACS PRF Award has led to
several important new findings concerning the electron transfer processes in
DNA photolyase.� Although continuing problems with the picosecond laser setup
prevented work on some of the project aims, alternative but strongly related
research was conducted to advance the knowledge of the photoreduction and
charge recombination electron-transfer processes in DNA photolyase.�
The permanent dipole
moment of the CPD modifies electron transfer in photolyase.�
In this project, the potential role of the substrate in modifying the
electron-transfer in DNA photolyase was explored.� Two different substrates
were analyzed; one with a thymine cyclobutane dimer (T<>T), and one with
a cytidine cyclobutane dimer (C<>C).� The charge recombination process is
slowed by a factor of 1.4 in the presence of the T<>T-substrate, while it
is accelerated by a factor of 1.4 in the presence of the C<>C-substrate.�
Calculations were performed to predict the strength and orientation of the
permanent dipole moment of each substrate.� The differences in the permanent
dipole moments of the substrate are very likely the cause of the differences in
the charge recombination rates by establishing different electric fields along
the electron transfer pathway.� This conclusion is supported by the finding
that the FADH�/FADH� reduction potential of the FAD-cofactor for the
two enzyme-substrate complexes is the same within the margin of error.� Therefore,
we conclude that substrate binding but not the substrate dipole moment modifies
the FADH�/FADH� reduction potential and that the substrate dipole
moment is largely responsible for changing the charge recombination rates.� The
only unknown is the exact binding geometry of the C<>C substrate, which
may be different from that of the T<>T substrate and could potentially
affect the strength of the electric dipole field near the FAD cofactor.� This
strongly suggests that the substrate electric dipole moment will also affect
the forward electron transfer in the photoreduction process as well as in the
DNA-repair step.� A manuscript is in preparation for submission to the Journal
of Physical Chemistry B that will present these and other findings
concerning the effect of the substrate dipole moment on the electron transfer
properties of photolyase.
Identification of the
flavin vibrational normal modes that have contributions from the C8-methyl
group.� In photolyase and in other electron-transfer
flavoproteins, the C(8)-methyl group of the flavin cofactor is aligned in such
a way that it can be part of the electron-transfer pathway in these proteins.�
In order to understand whether there are specific interactions between the
C(8)-methyl group and the surrounding protein and/or substrate molecule that
would facilitate the electron-transfer, it is important to have a spectroscopic
method to monitor the C(8)-methyl group.� Therefore, flavin mononucleotide
(FMN) was prepared with its C(8)-methyl group deuterated.� The N5-methyl radical
of FMN was synthesized to obtain the same information for this redox state of
the molecule.� Resonance Raman spectra were collected for these two molecule
with and without their C(8)-methyl group deuterated in H2O and in D2O.�
The results identified several high-frequency vibrations that are sensitive to
the C(8)-methyl group with H/D-isotope shifts of 4 to 8 cm-1 for
both molecules.� In both cases, several low-frequency vibrations were observed
that showed large H/D-isotope shifts (15 to 30 cm-1) for the
C(8)-methyl group.� Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed
on FMN to predict the H/D-isotope shifts.� There was very strong agreement
between the experimentally observed and computationally predicted isotope
shifts, which provided insight into the specific contribution of the
C(8)-methyl group to the isotope-sensitive vibrational normal modes.� The
results from this project have provided spectroscopic fingerprints of the
C8-methyl group of the flavin molecule that can now be used to look for changes
in the frequency of these normal modes in electron-transfer flavoproteins and,
potentially, investigate the role of this methyl-group in the electron transfer
process.� A manuscript describing these findings is being finalized for submission
to the Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
In summary, the
research has provided new information about the effect of the substrate
electric dipole moment on the electron transfer processes in DNA photolyase and
determined fingerprint vibrations for the C8-methyl group of the flavin
molecule.� Since preliminary results on the tryptophan radical research
sponsored by PRF were very promising, this work is expected to be completed in
the near future. �The PRF sponsored research has provided (partial) funding for
two graduate students, who are currently preparing their dissertations.� Their
dissertations will include their research that was sponsored by PRF.
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