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Spectroscopic Characterization of Acid Rain Precursor Molecules and Their Complexes
Rebecca A. Peebles, Eastern Illinois University
����������� Research remains divided between three areas:
construction of a pulsed-jet infrared spectrometer, ab initio investigations of
weakly bound complexes of atmospheric interest, and microwave spectroscopic
investigations of these complexes.� Two undergraduate students have been
involved in these investigations this year.
����������� The first student continued her ab initio
investigations of hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) complexes by extending her
investigations to complexes containing radicals.� Although these calculations
are not quite complete, our results indicate that the structures of these
complexes will be guided by CH�O interactions, much like the results obtained
previously for closed-shell species.� The dimers investigated include CHF2�CO2
and CHF2�OCS.� The second student's goal has been to perform ab
initio optimizations of complexes of SO2 and O3 with
small linear molecules.� This project returns to the initial proposal topic of
studying complexes containing SO2, NOx and CO2.�
Results have been obtained for complexes of O3 with CO2,
N2O, OCS and CS2 and SO2 with CO2
and CS2.� None of the ozone complexes have been studied
experimentally, but experimental structures do exist for the SO2
complexes.� Our structure for SO2-CS2 is in agreement
with the experimental results, but SO2-CO2 is observed to
have C2v symmetry, while the ab initio data indicate Cs
symmetry with a low barrier at the C2v configuration.� One
possible explanation is that there is a very low barrier inversion motion in
the complex, leading to an average structure that is quite different from the
equilibrium structure.� Further work will involve completion of the series of
ab initio calculations and hopefully revisiting some of the SO2 complexes
experimentally and investigating the possibility of producing O3
complexes in our pulsed discharge nozzle (see below).
����������� The experimental part of the research has been a
microwave spectroscopic investigation of the CHClF2�OCS complex. �Although
the spectrum of CHCl2F�OCS was partially assigned last year, the
hyperfine structure from the quadrupolar chlorine nuclei has proven too
complicated, so far, to obtain a full assignment.� To simplify the problem, we
undertook an investigation of the CHClF2�OCS complex, in which the
hyperfine structure promises to be less complex.� Ab initio results indicate that
a CH�O interaction dominates the structure, with two possible isomers � one in
which both fluorine atoms are roughly parallel to the OCS, and one in which the
chlorine atom is parallel to the OCS.� A search over several hundred megahertz
led to identification of over 100 transitions.� Testing of all these
transitions with only CHClF2 present led to the elimination of about
2/3 of the lines.� Within the remaining transitions, several clusters have
spacings very similar to predictions based on the ab initio calculations;
however, there are more groups of transitions with these distinctive spacings
than would be expected, and so far efforts to predict and identify new
transitions based on these tentative assignments have been unsuccessful.�
Interestingly, a reevaluation of the theoretical data indicates the energy
difference between the two possible CHClF2�OCS isomers is so small
that both could be present in the supersonic expansion.� This is one possible
explanation of the larger than expected number of observed transitions.� Work
to assign this spectrum continues.
����������� The instrumentation
aspect of the research has recently made several advances.� Most of the early
part of 2007 was spent in obtaining a new plasma cartridge for the nitrogen
laser.� Once this was installed, significant progress was made on the laser
alignment, but the ringdown mirrors have not yet been installed because of our
decision first to pursue a project geared towards finding a simple system with
which to test the pulsed discharge nozzle which has also been constructed over
the past year.� The machining work for this project was completed at the University of Illinois early in the year.� (Construction was funded by a separate grant.)�
A high voltage power supply (funded by this grant) has recently been tested and
is ready to connect to the nozzle.� A new window in the vacuum chamber will
allow us to visually check for emission from the discharge plasma.� We will
then investigate several species that will emit in the visible range before
attempting to produce species such as ozone and HCFC radicals that are more
relevant to this research project.� Our ultimate goal is to construct a
pulsed-jet infrared spectrometer.� We are currently weighing the chances of
success with a cavity ringdown spectrometer (as initially planned) or a rapid
scan IR spectrometer (less sensitive to alignment issues).� We plan to make a
final decision as to which direction to take the infrared spectrometer after a
visit in November 2007 to a colleague who's group has both types of system in
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