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Fifty Years of Electron Transfer and RRKM Theories, at the ACS National Meeting, September 2006, San Francisco, CA

Stephen J. Klippenstein, Argonne National Laboratory

The history and future of the fields of electron transfer and of RRKM theory were discussed from a variety of perspectives. The attendance at these sessions was substantial, often overflowing the room capacity, and exceeded 200 scientists for some of the sessions.

The meeting began with Rudy Marcus providing stimulating introductory remarks. These introductory remarks were followed by alternating sessions of electron transfer and RRKM theories. The individual talks were given by leading experimental and theoretical scientists from around the world, including some of Marcus' former students and postdocs. The meeting closed with some informative closing remarks from Marcus.

The electron transfer speakers included Jortner, Kuznetsov, Newton, Voth, Gray, Barton, Dutton, Michel-Beyerle, Beratan, Popovic, Miller, Meyer, Hynes, Hammes-Schiffer, Song, Ratner, Nitzan, Mukamel, Nesbitt, Issa, Wasielewski, and Sumi. The RRKM speakers included Baer, Butler, Thiemens, Gao, Uzer, Barker, Hase, Jaffe, Leitner, Crim, Troe, Kuppermann, Miller, Reisler, Bowman, and Georgievskii.

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