The OH radical plays
an important role in controlling the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. Attack
by OH radicals, for example, is the first step in the removal of many
pollutants in the troposphere. As a result, accurate modeling of the
oxidizing or cleansing capacity of the atmosphere requires knowledge of all
significant sources and sinks of these radicals. Over the past year we have
been investigating various potential new sources of atmospheric OH radicals.
Through our efforts we have discovered that the bimolecular reaction of
electronically excited nitrogen dioxide, generated by absorption of visible
light, with water molecules can lead to significant OH radical production that,
apparently, are currently unaccounted for in tropospheric models.
����������� The primary production mechanism of tropospheric OH radicals
is through the photolysis of ozone, which generates electronically excited O(1D)
atoms at wavelengths λ≤ 320 nm. The subsequent reaction of these O(1D)
atoms with atmospheric water molecules generates the OH radicals. An important
constraint associated with the above mechanism is that it requires UV light.
There are situations, however, such as those corresponding to high solar zenith
angles (which is the angle the sun makes relative to the earth's surface
normal), where the sun light traverses an extended optical path through the
atmosphere resulting in the incoming solar flux being greatly depleted of its
UV component due to scattering and absorption. For these scenarios alternate OH
radical production mechanism involving photochemistries at longer wavelengths
can become important. The reaction of electronically excited nitrogen dioxide with
water can be a significant source of OH under these conditions.
����������� To better appreciate the OH generating potential of this new
mechanism, we note that NO2 has a broad absorption spectrum in the
visible and near UV which starts around 250 nm and extends down to about 650 nm
with a maximum around 410 nm. Absorption of solar radiation by NO2
at wavelengths shorter than ~420 nm leads to rapid photodissociation and the
formation of O(3P) atoms in the atmosphere.� While excitation of NO2
in the blue end of its absorption band leads to photodissociation, excitation
at longer wavelengths (λ>420 nm) leads to the formation of
electronically excited NO2 having fluorescence lifetimes of tens of
microseconds. The long lifetime of these states arise from the mixing of the A2B2
and B2B2 excited electronic states with the X2A1
ground electronic state. Upon photoexcitation to these long lived electronic
states, most of the excited NO2 will be quenched by collisions with bath
gases such as N2 and O2. However, because water is a
tropospheric trace gas in relatively large abundance, some of the photo-excited
NO2 molecules can also collide with water. It is well known that
water quenches electronically excited NO2 efficiently; however there
has been no previous report of any reaction between NO2* and H2O.�
If a significant fraction of the electronically excited NO2 reacts
with water, then the following mechanism for OH formation becomes possible:
�NO2 + hν (λ<420
nm) → NO2*��������������������������������������������������������������������� (4)
�NO2* + M → NO2 + M ������������������� (M≡
N2 or O2 or H2O)������������������������ (5)
�NO2* + H2O → OH + HONO���������������������������������������������������������������������� (6)
We note that apart from OH radicals formed directly through reaction-6,
photolysis of the HONO reaction product can also give rise to additional OH:
HONO + hν (λ<390 nm) → OH + NO���������������������������������������������������������������������� (7)
Applying steady state approximation to NO2* in the above
reaction sequence, one finds that the rate of OH formation through this
mechanism is given by:�
ROH = 2 j4 [NO2] [H2O] / (k6[H2O]
+k5[M])���������������������������������������������������� (8)
In the above expression, j4 is the photoexcitation rate
constant for NO2, k5 is the total collisional quenching
rate constant of NO2* by �air�, and k6 is the rate
constant for the NO2*+ H2O reaction. A study of Eqs.8
suggests that if k6 is sufficiently large and if the HONO molecule
formed in reaction-6 is also readily photolyzed, then the yield of OH from the
NO2* + H2O reaction can be a significant fraction of that
arising from the more traditional O(1D)+ H2O reaction. �In
order to test the viability of this new mechanism we have carried out laboratory
studies consisting of rate measurement for the NO2*+H2O
reaction in conjunction with laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detection of the OH
products. Our initial results suggest that the rate of reation-6 is ~1.7x 10-13
cm3/molecule sec, making it sufficiently fast to make the NO2*+
H2O reaction a significant source of tropospheric OH radicals. �Finally
it is also worth mentioning that in addition to providing us the opportunity to
pursue scientific research, support of this work by ACS-PRF has allowed the post-doc
and graduate student working on the project to gain valuable scientific
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