observation of the wrapping/unwrapping kinetics of ssDNA around SSB.� The Escherichia coli
single stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein binds selectively to ssDNA
intermediates during DNA replication, recombination and repair.� Each subunit of the homo-tetrameric protein
contains a potential ssDNA binding site. It has been proposed that SSB, while
bound to the ssDNA, could take advantage of its four potential binding sites
and translocate along the ssDNA via a rolling mechanism. Since the protein cannot
translocate any faster than the rate at which ssDNA wraps and unwraps from
around SSB, a mechanistic picture of the rolling mechanism requires knowledge
of the wrapping/unwrapping rates.
����������� In vitro, SSB binds to ssDNA in
two or more distinct binding modes. In the fully wrapped (SSB)65
mode, the two ends of a ~70-nt strand are expected to be in close contact (1). Thus, FRET measurements
between donor and acceptor molecules attached at either end of the ~70-nt long
ssDNA strand provide a sensitive probe of the wrapping and unwrapping kinetics (2). Previous stopped-flow
studies of SSB binding to (dT)70 were unable to resolve the
bimolecular association step from the unimolecular wrapping/unwrapping step,
due to limited time-resolution (2, 3). In my laboratory, we made
the first direct observation of the wrapping/unwrapping kinetics, in response
to a laser T-jump perturbation of a pre-formed SSB-ssDNA complex (4). Our measurements revealed
that the wrapping/unwrapping process occurs on time-scales of tens of
microseconds, which is fast enough not to be the rate-limiting step for
processes such as DNA replication in E. coli, which proceed at much
slower rates of ~1000 nucleotides/s. Thus, this study demonstrated that a
rolling mechanism may provide SSB protein with the ability to rapidly move
along ssDNA during DNA metabolic processes.
kinetics measurements represent a novel application of T-jump techniques to
extend the study of the dynamics of protein-DNA interactions to the
microsecond-to-millisecond time-scales, and hold promise for similar studies on
other systems. Our success in applying this technique to probe the dynamics of
another protein-DNA complex is described below.
observation of DNA bending/unbending kinetics in complex with DNA-bending
protein IHF: Regulation of gene transcription frequently requires
specific proteins that can kink, bend or curve DNA. In many protein-DNA
complexes, the protein also undergoes conformational rearrangements that facilitate
favorable interactions with DNA. These concerted changes in proteins and DNA
are believed to be a key feature underlying the induced-fit mechanism proposed
for the recognition of specific binding sites on DNA by proteins. The details
of the recognition mechanism remain elusive. In particular, very little is
known about the dynamics of the conformational rearrangements that lead to the
precise recognition.
E. coli
Integration Host Factor (IHF) is a member of a family of DNA-bending proteins
that are ubiquitous in prokaryotes and aid in chromosomal compaction as well as
in the assembly of higher-order nucleoprotein complexes necessary for
replication initiation and site-specific recombination. Members of this family
of proteins find their preferred sites by "indirect readout" of the
DNA sequence.� Rather than direct
interactions between the protein and specific DNA base-pairs, this mechanism
relies on the sequence-dependence of the DNA's conformation and deformability.
Thus, these proteins have become paradigms for investigating indirect readout
mechanism for recognition of DNA binding sites as well as the mechanics of DNA
Our laser
T-jump measurements, in combination with stopped-flow measurements in the
laboratory of Prof. Donald Crothers at Yale, provided the first direct
observation of the bending/unbending kinetics of a cognate DNA sequence bound
to IHF (5, 6). These measurements
resolved a long-standing question in this field as to whether binding and
bending of DNA by DNA-bending proteins occurs in a concerted manner, or
sequentially. More interestingly, these measurements indicated that the
rate-limiting step in the bending of DNA in the complex may well be spontaneous
bending/kinking of the DNA, presumably occurring at the sites of kinks in the
DNA that are observed in the crystal structure of the complex (6). Spontaneous
bending/kinking of DNA, in the absence of a bound protein, has not been directly
observed, although it has been implicated in recent studies, raising the
question as to whether the DNA is capable of undergoing spontaneous
fluctuations in which distorted conformations are energetically accessible.
1.�������� Raghunathan,
S., Kozlov, A. G., Lohman, T. M. & Waksman, G. (2000) Nat. Struct. Biol. 7,
2.�������� Kozlov,
A. G. & Lohman, T. M. (2002) Biochemistry
41, 6032-6044.
3.�������� Kozlov,
A. G. & Lohman, T. M. (2002) Biochemistry
41, 11611-11627.
4.�������� Kuznetsov,
S. V., Kozlov, A. G., Lohman, T. M. & Ansari, A. (2006) J. Mol. Biol. 359, 55-65.
5.�������� Sugimura,
S. & Crothers, D. M. (2006) Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 103,
6.�������� Kuznetsov,
S. V., Sugimura, S., Vivas, P., Crothers, D. M. & Ansari, A. (2006) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 103, 18515-20.