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The Role of Capillarity in Mobilization of Disaggregated Materials from Collapsed Perforations
Ning Lu, Colorado School of Mines
Narrative progress report for Period 9/1/2006 to 8/31/2007
This year's activity highlights by laboratory testing on sand's mechanical and hydrologic properties. The tests were carried out by graduate student Bitao Lai. Generic fine sand with characteristics from sand production was used for three types of laboratory testing: (1) tensile strength as a function of saturation and porosity, and (2) suction-water retention characteristic curve, and (3) shear strength as a function of saturation and porosity. The tests were performed at the CSM Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Facility under the direction of PI Dr. Lu.
We also revised and published a paper entitled �Tensile strength characteristics of unsaturated sands � in Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering This paper summarized some of the work conducted in the previous year by Dr. Lu and his colleagues at CSIRO Petroleum. This paper is ranked number 2 in the top 5 downloaded papers in JGGE in the first quarter 2007.
The major results from this year's laboratory testing are being summarized in a paper to be submitted to a journal.
The major expense for this year's activity ware salary paid for graduate student Bitao Lai and Dr. Lu's 2 weeks summer.
This year, we also successfully recruited a postdoctoral fellow Alexandra Wayllace, who is currently finishing her Ph.D. work at University of Missouri-Columbia. Ms. Wayllace is expected to report to CSM for continuing the project in January 2008. We have requested PRF to have a no-cost extension for this project, and received the letter from PRF that granted our request.
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