Reports: SE

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Organic Materials - Self Assembly, at the 90th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference, 2007, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Torsten Hegmann, University of Manitoba

The �Organic Materials � Self Assembly� symposium at the 2007 CSC in Winnipeg (MB), Canada was an interdisciplinary symposium dealing with the self-assembly and self-organization of organic, organic/inorganic hybrid and nanoscale materials such as liquid crystals, nanocomposites, polymers, as well as self-assembled mono- or multi-layer films.

The six invited speakers included Takashi Kato (Tokyo), Miguel Garcia-Garibay (UCLA), Hanadi F. Sleiman (McGill), C. Geraldine Bazuin (Montreal), Mitchell A. Winnik (Toronto), and David N. Reinhoudt (Twente).

ACS PRF-SE funding was used to cover D. N. Reinhoudt's travel to and from Winnipeg, MB. Prof. Reinhoudt in his talk presented recent research from his group on so-called molecular printboards. Such printboards are self-assembled monolayers of receptor molecules on flat surfaces. Some of the presented printboards were composed of cyclodextrine derivatives immobilized on gold surfaces, others were dendrimers printed onto these printboards by soft lithography. Prof. Reinhoudt highlighted in his talk the fabrication of electronic devices made from these printboards.

All four half-day sessions were quite well attended with an average number of 50 attendees/talk.

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