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Chemical Utilization of Solar Energy, at the 2006 Southwest Regional ACS Meeting, October 2006, Houston, TX
Randolph P. Thummel, University of Houston
The grant was used to subsidize the travel expenses for three foreign speakers to a symposium on the �Chemical Utilization of Solar Energy.� The symposium took place on October 20 and 21 at the Southwest Regional ACS meeting held in Houston, Texas. The symposium was jointly organized by Russell Schmehl from Tulane University and Randy Thummel from the University of Houston. The specific topic of this symposium had not been previously addressed at an ACS meeting. Nineteen speakers participated in the symposium with the 16 domestic speakers coming from all parts of the country. The three foreign speakers subsidized by PRF were Prof. Leif Hammerstr�m from Upsalla University, Prof. Kazunari Domen from the University of Tokyo, and Prof. Masa-aki Haga from Chou University. The talks were very roughly divided so that those given on the first day of the symposium dealt more with artificial photosynthesis and those on the second day dealt more with solar cell applications and materials chemistry. The symposium was well received with the attendance averaging more than 60 persons per lecture over the two day period.
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