Reports: SE

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Molecular Containers, at the ACS National Meeting, September 2006, San Francisco, CA

Darren W. Johnson, University of Oregon

The PRF Type-SE grant provided partial support for travel to 3 foreign speakers (Kenji Kobayashi � Shizuoka University, Makoto Fujita � University of Tokyo, Jonathan Steed � University of Durham) to attend the 232nd ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, Sept. 10-14, 2006. There were 28 speakers in four half-day sessions in the �Molecular Containers� symposium sponsored by the SS&T Sub-Division of I&EC. Attendance for the sessions maxed out at over 100 (with standing room only for many talks), and average attendance was easily 50 people per talk. A list of the speakers, talk titles and session chairs/organizers is provided below:

Sunday, 10 September 2006

8:30 AM-12:20 PM Moscone Center -- Room 250, Oral

Molecular Containers, Sponsored by Separation Science and Technology Sub-Division

Organizers:Darren W. Johnson, Ronald K. Castellano

Presiding: Jonathan W. Steed

Organizer, Presiding: Benjamin P. Hay

8:30 AM Introductory Remarks

8:35 AM 1 Exceptional thermal and chemical stability of ZIFs. O. M. Yaghi

9:05 AM 2 Metal-organic frameworks derived from luminescent metalloligands. Seth M. Cohen 9:35 AM 3 Assembly of high-spin metal-cyanide cluster cages. T. David Harris, Lianne M. C. Beltran, Danna E. Freedman, Hye Jin Choi, Bart M. Bartlett, Allan G. Hee, Jeffrey R. Long 10:05 AM 4 Synthetic nanotubes. Dmitry M. Rudkevich

10:35 AM Intermission

10:50 AM 5 Confining, processing, and restructuring polymers with cyclodextrins. Alan E. Tonelli

11:20 AM 6 Cucurbit[n]uril molecular containers Lyle Isaacs

11:50 AM 7 Permanent incarceration John Sherman

1:30 PM-5:15 PM Moscone Center -- Room 250, Oral

Molecular Containers, Sponsored by Separation Science and Technology Sub-Division

Organizers: Ronald K. Castellano, Benjamin P. Hay

Presiding:Fraser Hof

Organizer, Presiding: Darren W. Johnson

1:30 PM 15 Robust molecular capsules based on pyrogallol[4]arenes. Jerry L. Atwood, Scott J. Dalgarno, Robert M. McKinlay, Daniel B. Bassil, Sheryl A. Tucker

2:00 PM 16 Viral capsids as natural and synthetic molecular containers. Trevor Douglas, Mark J. Young

2:30 PM 17 Metals in, on, and around container molecules. K. Travis Holman, Onome Ugono, Robert M. Fairchild, Scott T. Mough

3:00 PM 18 Capsular assemblies driven by the hydrophobic effect Corinne LD. Gibb, Bruce C. Gibb

3:30 PM Intermission

3:45 PM 19 Functional hydrogen bonding in phloroglucinol-derived architectures. Ronald K. Castellano, Yan Li, Andrew J. Lampkins, Edwin A. Homan, Khalil A. Abboud

4:15 PM 20 Unsymmetrical nanospace: Orientational isomerism of unsymmetrical guests encapsulated in self-assembling heterodimeric capsules. Kenji Kobayashi

4:45 PM 21 Alkanes in small spaces. Julius Rebek Jr.

Monday, 11 September 2006

8:30 AM-12:15 PM Moscone Center -- Room 250, Oral

Molecular Containers, Sponsored by Separation Science and Technology Sub-Division

Organizers:Darren W. Johnson, Ronald K. Castellano, Benjamin P. Hay

Presiding: Kristin Bowman-James, Jovica D. Badjic

8:30 AM 92 Reactions in self-assembled coordination hosts. Makoto Fujita

9:00 AM 93 Encapsulation of organic molecules in a metal-assembled host. Roger G. Harrison, Jessica L. Burrows, Qirong Wu, Lee D. Hansen

9:30 AM 94 Conjugated shape-persistent Schiff-base macrocycles: New precursors for molecular capsules and assemblies. Mark J. MacLachlan

10:00 AM 95 Self-assembled main group coordination clusters. Darren W. Johnson

10:30 AM Intermission

10:45 AM 96 Supramolecular control of chemical reactivity. Leonard R. MacGillivray

11:15 AM 97 Chiral nanoscale containers and their chemistry. Kenneth N. Raymond

11:45 AM 98 De novo structure-based design of high symmetry coordination clusters. Benjamin P. Hay

1:30 PM-5:20 PM Moscone Center -- Room 250, Oral

Molecular Containers, Sponsored by Separation Science and Technology Sub-Division

Organizers: Darren W. Johnson, Benjamin P. Hay

Presiding: Kim R. Dunbar

Organizer, Presiding: Ronald K. Castellano

1:30 PM 105 Amide-based anion encapsulators. Kristin Bowman-James

2:00 PM 106 Dynamics of guest binding to bile salt aggregates: A multiple compartment host system. Cornelia Bohne

2:30 PM 107 Controlling photochemistry with weak non-covalent forces and confined spaces. V. Ramamurthy, Lakshmi S. Kaanumalle, Arunkumar Natarajan, Anand Parthasarathy, Arunkumar Sundaresan, Raja Kaliappan, Mahesh Pattabiraman

3:00 PM 108 Control of ion transport through synthetic ion channels. Mary S. Gin

3:30 PM Intermission

3:45 PM 109 Anion-Π interactions in transition metal coordination compounds. Brandi L. Schottel, Helen T. Chifotides, Michael Shatruk, Abdellatif Chouai, Lisa M. P�rez, Kim R. Dunbar

4:15 PM 110 Anion binding effects on container behavior. Jonathan W. Steed

4:45 PM 111 Calixpyrroles: From simple anion receptors to molecular containers. Jonathan L. Sessler, Won-Seob Cho, Dustin Gross, Kent A. Nielsen, Jan O. Jeppesen, Dirk M. Guldi, Chang-Hee Lee, Hidekazu Miyaji, Manuel Marqu�z, Franz P. Schmidtchen

5:15 PM Concluding Remarks

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