Reports: SE

47909-SE Water Mediated Interactions, at the ACS National Meeting, August 17-21, 2008, Philadelphia, PA

Dor Ben-Amotz, Purdue University

Symposium Title: Water Mediated Interactions

Organizers: PI Dor Ben-Amotz (Chemistry, Purdue U.)

Hank Ashbaugh (Chemical Engineering, Tulane U.)

The focus of this symposium was on the role of water in mediating interactions between molecules, including hydrocarbons and other petroleum-related compounds. The interactions between water and petroleum compounds play a key role in dictating the distribution of petroleum reserves in the earths crust, as well as in virtually all industrial and biological processes.

This symposium focused on theoretical, simulation and experimental aspects of the role of water in mediating interactions between molecules, nano-particles and macroscopic interfaces. This broad area includes the dynamics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of water mediated hydrophobic and ionic interactions between both small molecules and biological macro-molecules, as well as nanomaterials and interfaces.

Each of the five days of the symposium had the following themes: Hydrophobic Interactions, Ionic Interactions, Biological Water, Aqueous Interfaces, Structure & Dynamics. All sessions were attended by between 15 and 75 audience members with higher attendance in the first three days of the symposium.

The following is a complete list of talks given during the five day symposium. In addition to these talks there were 30 posters associated with this symposium.  PRF SE funding was used to reimburse up to $1,200 of travel expenses for each of the four international speakers whose names are underlined below.

Sunday Aug. 17th       Structure and Dynamics

Morning Chair – Dor Ben-Amotz, Purdue University

Speakers:  J. D. Weeks, J. L. Skinner, C. C. Martens, E. Pines, H. E. Stanley, C -H. Kuo

Afternoon Chair – Hank Ashbaugh, Tulane University

Speakers:  A. Tokmakoff, M. T. Zanni, R. G. Bryant, T. Head-Gordon, B. J. Schwartz, P. Perera,

Monday Aug. 18th      Aqueous Interfaces

Morning Chair – Preston Moore, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia

Speakers:  H -F. Wang, K. B. Eisenthal, D. Donadio, K. Hermansson, G. L. Richmond, F. Chen

Afternooon Chair – Valeria Molinero, University of Utah

Speakers:  M. D. Fayer, B. M. Ladanyi, V. Vaida, M. Meuwly, I. Szleifer, A. Luzar, P. B. Moore

Tuesday Aug. 19th     Hydrophobic Interactions

Morning Chair – Tom Truskett, University of Texas at Austin

Speakers:  M D. Chandler, S. Garde, B. Eisenberg, V. Molinero, B. B. Akhremitchev, J. Mittal

Afternoon Chair – Boris Akhremitchev,Duke University

Speakers:  B. Widom, L. R. Pratt, J. N. Israelachvili, T. M. Truskett, P. G. Debenedetti,

R. C. Underwood

Wednesday, Aug. 20th              Ionic Interactions

Morning Chair – Dietmar Paschek, Dortmund University of Technology

Speakers:  K. A. Dill, J. Aqvist, K. Leung, R. H. Wood, J. T. Hynes, C. A. Angell, I. A. Balabin

Afternoon Chair – Phil Geissler, U. C. Berkeley

Speakers:  C. J. Margulis, G. L. Warren, S. V. Kazakov, B. Winter, R. J. Saykally, S. Keinan

Thursday, Aug. 21st    Biological Water

Morning Chair – Steve Rick, University of New Orleans

Speakers:  P. L. Geissler, P. J. Rossky, D. Zhong, J -W. Chu, R. Levy, I. V. Khavrutskii, I. Ivanov, E. V. Dornshuld

Afternoon Chair – Hank Ashbaugh, Tulane University

Speakers:  D. Matyushov, M. L. Berkowitz, S. Rick, T. Ichiye, C. B. Post, B. M. Pettitt, S. A. Corcelli