
Bequests were received from
the estates of:

John Parnag
Gerald Simon Schillon

Gifts were made in honor of the following individuals:

Rebecca Achurch
Alfred and Isabel Bader
Vincent Bille
Jeannette Brown
David Constable
Jonathan Crepeau
Dwaine and Lucy Eubanks
Janvit Golob
Sydney Gomez
Jessica Gosling-Goldsmith
John Harris
Raquel Hernandez
Robert Hodges
Victor Hruby
Madeleine Jacobs
Katherine Koenig
Timothy Lattanzio
Steven C Lingenfelter
Zaida Morales Martinez
Milton Maskaleris
Nina McClelland
Daniel O'Leary
Carol Parish
Tomi Sawyer
Ved Srivastava
Kon Swee and Su Chen
Stan Taylor
Marjan Veber
Vojko Vlachyi

Gifts were made in memory of the following individuals:

James Tyler Ayre
Kasi Bai & N.G. Ranga Rao
John P. Brown
J. Colonge
Ernest Eliel
Richard F. Fenske
Alan Lester Fikes
T. Lloyd Fletcher
Rodney Ian Fryer
Robert Alan Gordon
David C. Grahame
Edward J. Guen
Roy Harrington
Irene Rommel Heymann
Allan Hoffman
John W. Kenney, III
Gerhard F. Koch
Hildegarde Krueger
John J. McBride
C. Gordon McCarty
David S. Olson
William Penn
Karl Pfister, III
M. Prettre
Lillian Sello
Jack Stocker
Noel Turner
Donald Markham West
Dorothy Witheford
John C. Young