Annual Report 2012

Financial Summary

($ in Thousands)
Statement of Financial Position 2012 2011
Research Fund
Total Total
Cash and Cash Equivalents $64,342 $22,259 $86,601 $48,291
Accounts and Pledges Receivable 106,091 - 106,091 81,146
Inventories 1,953 - 1,953 2,850
Investments 390,141 472,944 863,085 864,450
Interfund (Payable) Receivable (13,880) 13,880 - -
Other 20,833 27 20,860 15,184
Buildings, Land, and Other Property 109,467 - 109,467 110,172
Total Assets $678,947 $509,110 $1,188,057 $1,122,093
Accrued Expenses and Accounts Payable  $64,358 $11,470 $75,828 $75,274
Deferred Revenues  161,449 - 161,449 143,729
Short and Long-Term Debt 2,431 - 2,431 3,168
Postretirement Benefits and Other 218,929 3,598 222,527 213,120
Total Liabilities 447,167 15,068 462,235 435,291
NET ASSETS        
Unrestricted 138,796 - 138,796 139,470
Temporarily Restricted 26,001 421,542 447,543 412,563
Permanently Restricted 66,983 72,500 139,483 134,769
Total Net Assets 231,780 494,042 725,822 686,802
Total Liabilities and Net Assets  $678,947 $509,110 $1,188,057 $1,122,093
Statement of Activities 2012 2011
Research Fund
Total Total
Electronic Services $421,862 - $421,862 $403,834
Net Assets Released from Restriction 8,438 20,483 28,921 26,485
Dues 12,277 - 12,277 12,294
Member Insurance Premiums, Refunds, and Fees 11,464 - 11,464 11,299
Registration Fees and Booth Sales 11,145 - 11,145 10,061
Advertising 9,217 - 9,217 8,945
Investment Income 8,613 53 8,666 10,008
Printed Services 7,135 - 7,135 8,846
Other  7,108 - 7,108 8,028
Total Unrestricted Revenues 497,259 20,536 517,795 499,800
Information Services 368,901 - 368,901 354,249
Member Programs and Services 46,391 - 46,391 42,152
Member Insurance Program 15,210 - 15,210 14,781
Grants and Awards 3,821 18,852 22,673 22,205
Administrative 37,913 1,684 39,597 38,157
Other 8,645 - 8,645 8,157
Total Expenses 480,881 20,536 501,417 479,701
Net Contribution 16,378 - 16,378 20,099
Net Investment Gains / (Losses) 31,568 - 31,568 (535)
Change in Pension Funding Status and Other (48,620) - (48,620) (50,016)
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets  (674) - (674) (30,452)
Contributions 3,936 - 3,936 6,089
Investment Income and Net Investment Gains / (Losses) 9,374 55,324 64,698 (6,556)
Net Assets Released From Restriction  (8,438) (20,483) (28,921) (26,485)
Other  131 (150) (19) 880
Change in Restricted Net Assets  5,003 34,691 39,694 (26,072)
Change in Total Net Assets  4,329 34,691 39,020 (56,524)
Beginning Total Net Assets 227,451 459,351 686,802 743,326
Ending Total Net Assets $231,780 $494,042 $725,822 $686,802