Financial Summary
($ in Thousands)
Statement of Financial Position 2010 2009
Research Fund
Total Total
 Cash and Cash Equivalents   $      28,710  $      10,505  $       39,215  $       43,898
 Accounts and Pledges Receivable           70,306                  -             70,306           60,013
 Inventories             4,841                  -               4,841             6,264
 Investments         425,137        472,012         897,149         844,429
 Interfund (Payable) Receivable          (15,986)           15,986                   -                     -  
 Collateral Held           37,332          25,770           63,102           33,315
 Other           12,940                 22           12,962           16,550
 Buildings, Land, and Other Property         104,030                  -         104,030         105,534
 Total Assets   $    667,310  $    524,295  $   1,191,605  $     1,110,003
 Accrued Expenses and Accounts Payable   $      68,226  $      7,800  $       76,026  $       74,382
 Deferred Revenues         120,205                  -           120,205          106,392
 Short and Long-Term Debt             3,869                  -               3,869            25,182
 Postretirement Benefits and Other         182,289            2,788         185,077         183,055
 Collateral Payable           37,332          25,770           63,102           33,315
 Total Liabilities          411,921          36,358         448,279         422,326
 Unrestricted         169,922                  -           169,922          159,338
 Temporarily Restricted           22,685        415,437         438,122          396,396
 Permanently Restricted           62,782          72,500         135,282          131,943
 Total Net Assets         255,389        487,937         743,326          687,677
 Total Liabilities and Net Assets   $    667,310  $    524,295  $  1,191,605  $     1,110,003
Statement of Activities 2010 2009
Research Fund
Total Total
 Electronic Services   $    390,386  $              -    $     390,386  $     375,742
 Printed Services           14,270                  -             14,270           23,707
 Advertising             8,824                  -               8,824             8,977
 Dues           12,361                  -             12,361           12,098
 Registration Fees and Booth Sales           11,438                  -             11,438             9,781
 Member Insurance Premiums           14,482                  -             14,482           15,709
 Investment Income           10,015                60           10,075           12,153
 Other             6,641                  -               6,641             6,981
 Net Assets Released from Restriction             5,977           15,781          21,758           34,392
 Total Unrestricted Revenues         474,394          15,841         490,235  $     499,540
 Information Services         345,707                  -           345,707         347,918
 Member Programs and Services           40,075                  -             40,075           40,437
 Member Insurance Program           14,582                  -             14,582           15,270
 Grants and Awards             3,117          14,029           17,146           28,822
 Administrative           34,652            1,812           36,464           37,532
 Other             9,574                  -               9,574             9,654
 Total Expenses         447,707          15,841         463,548         479,633
 Net Contribution           26,687                  -             26,687           19,907
 Net Investment Gains          19,096                  -             19,096         32,120
 Change in Pension Funding Status and Other          (35,199)                  -            (35,199)         17,600
 Change in Unrestricted Net Assets           10,584                  -              10,584         69,627
 Contributions             3,416                  -               3,416         40,147
 Investment Income and Net Investment Gains            7,551         55,856           63,407         93,569
 Net Assets Released From Restriction           (5,977)       (15,781)         (21,758)        (34,392)
 Other               238            (238)                -             (43)
 Change in Restricted Net Assets            5,228          39,837           45,065          99,281
 Change in Total Net Assets          15,812          39,837           55,649        168,908
 Beginning Total Net Assets         239,577        448,100         687,677        518,769
 Ending Total Net Assets   $    255,389  $    487,937  $     743,326  $     687,677