June 2011                                   

New Opportunities
Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation: Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
The Human Frontier Science Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships
The National Academies: Postdoctoral Research Opportunities at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
The National Academies: Postdoctoral Research Opportunities at the Naval Research Laboratory
The National Academies: Postdoctoral Research Opportunities at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD)
UCSF Departments of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Chemistry Fellowship
Xerox: Technical Minority Scholarship Program
More grants, fellowships, and awards
ACS Careers

Science Careers

Chronicle Jobs

Academic 360

Piled Higher and Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com (originally published 03/19/08)

Online Communities
ACS Graduate Students
ACS Postdoctoral Scholars
Chemistry Grad Students and Postdocs Blog
Science News Meetings
C&EN: Optimize Your Job Search
C&EN: Process Development Shines In Tough Times
Science Career Advice: Mind Matters — Resilience
ACS Fall 2011 National Meeting; Denver, CO; August 28-September 1, 2011
ACS 2011 Northwest Regional Meeting - NORM; Portland, OR; June 26-29
Meeting Locator (Browse Meetings, Workshops, Short Courses, and Symposia)
» See ACS resources for graduate students and postdocs: www.acs.org/grad

Contact us:
ACS / Office of Graduate Education / 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. / Washington, DC 20036
Photo Credits: Masthead Photo (iStock Photography), Feature article left image (Peter Cutts Photography), Feature article right image (iStock Photography)
E-mail: GradEd@acs.org / Phone: 800-227-5558, ext. 4588
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